You just have to choose the best fighters who have the skills and abilities to overtake your enemies. Each offensive attack can be defended with an equal defensive method to overtake the attacker. Your evaluation of the opposing enemies should include assessing the warriors and their weapons, such as their swords, bows & arrows, and abilities to jump and run. The Battle Simulator game takes some practice, but it gets fun once you learn how to play it. You must evaluate where the enemies move and then prepare your team members to battle them upon arrival. The enemies enter the field from the left side and move toward the right side to invade. The battle arena usually consists of a huge battlefield that is split with a line down the middle. You can use the currency to purchase weapons and additional team members. When you win more matches, you can earn new weapons, currency and find more customization options for your team. The troops are groups of ragdolls that fight each other in matches. The Battle Simulator desktop game might have a serious premise, but its animations and humor keep it fun and entertaining.