Something happens after playing it for a while/closing it, that conflicts with the existing C++ packages that are installed. It has something to do with the VC Runtimes I think, as most times it can be fixed by a full deletion and reinstallation of the emulator package. Additionally, I've disabled undervolting, CPU or GPU, and uninstalled any program that would be related to that. I've tried everything in terms of programs to dictate priority to the emulator, as well as stop windows power states from limiting it in any way. After I close out and restart, without fail, the framerate dives precipitously, into the single digits and teens, with low CPU and GPU utilization. I have a Asus s17 I'm running it on and the performance is fine when I initially start the emulator (can get 60fps in most titles, pushing 1440p-gpu is rarely the bottleneck though). The emulator has a serious problem in terms of performance degradation.